There's so much to celebrate!
On November 12/13 we will present the 2023 Budget to the church and on November 26/27, our CF church family will be asked to affirm the 2023 Annual Budget. If you have any questions, you can email them to budget@cfmiami.org. You may also wish to review our list of FAQ's online at cfmiami.org/giving.
Everything we do at Christ Fellowship is centered around helping you and your family follow Jesus. In 2022, we saw God move through our weekly services:
Attendance has averaged 4,206 people onsite this year, but we've also averaged 14,714 attenders online.
We have had 4,129 first time guests.
We have seen 249 people accept Christ as their savior.
We have baptized 230 people.
CF families have dedicated 98 children to Christ.
Celebrating 2022
Palmetto Bay, Doral, Redland Food Pantries
450 Volunteers
6,250 Families served
Homestead Food Distributions
33 Volunteers
750 families served
Reach Beyonds
576 Volunteers
37 Opportunities
3308 People Served
Big Serve Day (Easter Edition)
32 Different Opportunities
590 Volunteers
1200 People Served
Fill That Bag Campaign
Collected 600+ backpacks with school supplies and distributed to low income children in the MDCPS
Restarted Prison Ministries
Everglades Correctional
South Florida Reception
Served 660 Inmates
Salvations 25
CF Partnerships
First Priority
Eve's Hope
LEAP for Ladies
One More Child
Hope 4 Kids
Total Served: 12,768
Our Global Campuses:
We currently have 8 global campuses in 5 countries
4 in Colombia
1 in Guatemala
1 in Costa Rica
1 in Havana Cuba
1 in Puerto Rico (house church)
This year we launched 2 new campuses in Havana and Puerto Rico.
The average Global attendance in 2022 is 1475
There were 77 Baptisms
There were 413 Salvations
There were 98 reach beyonds, serving 5,960 people
Proposed 2023 Budget
For additional information on the budget, please check out our FAQ's below or online at cfmiami.org/giving or you can email your questions to budget@cfmiami.org.
Meet the Board

Howard Greene

Alex Ledon

Ricardo Lujan

Mike Parra Sr.

Auri Hathaway

Mark Pepin, MD

Joe Pruna