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There's so much to celebrate!

On November 12/13 we will present the 2023 Budget to the church and on November 26/27, our CF church family will be asked to affirm the 2023 Annual Budget. If you have any questions, you can email them to You may also wish to review our list of FAQ's online at

Everything we do at Christ Fellowship is centered around helping you and your family follow Jesus. In 2022, we saw God move through our weekly services:

  • Attendance has averaged 4,206 people onsite this year, but we've also averaged 14,714 attenders online.

  • We have had 4,129 first time guests.

  • We have seen 249 people accept Christ as their savior.

  • We have baptized 230 people.

  • CF families have dedicated 98 children to Christ.


Celebrating 2022


Palmetto Bay, Doral, Redland Food Pantries

  • 450 Volunteers

  • 6,250 Families served

  • Homestead Food Distributions

    • 33 Volunteers

    • 750 families served

Reach Beyonds

  • 576 Volunteers

  • 37 Opportunities

  • 3308 People Served


Big Serve Day (Easter Edition)

  • 32 Different Opportunities

  • 590 Volunteers

  • 1200 People Served


Fill That Bag Campaign

  • Collected 600+ backpacks with school supplies and distributed to low income children in the MDCPS


Restarted Prison Ministries 

  • Everglades Correctional 

  • South Florida Reception

  • Served 660 Inmates

  • Salvations 25


CF Partnerships

  • First Priority

  • Eve's Hope

  • LEAP for Ladies

  • One More Child

  • Hope 4 Kids

Total Served: 12,768

Our Global Campuses:

We currently have 8 global campuses in 5 countries

  • 4 in Colombia

  • 1 in Guatemala

  • 1 in Costa Rica

  • 1 in Havana Cuba

  • 1 in Puerto Rico (house church)


  • This year we launched 2 new campuses in Havana and Puerto Rico.

  • The average Global attendance in 2022 is 1475

  • There were 77 Baptisms

  • There were 413 Salvations

  • There were 98 reach beyonds, serving 5,960 people


Proposed 2023 Budget


For additional information on the budget, please check out our FAQ's below or online at or you can email your questions to

Budget PDF



Christ Fellowship is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), an accrediting organization that is dedicated to helping Christian ministries and churches uphold high standards of responsible stewardship. 

Meet the Board

Howard Greene


Howard Greene has been following Christ since 1988. He first joined Christ Fellowship in 1992 and has served in a number of ministries over the years, including the Pastor Search Committee following the retirement of Tommy Watson, with Rick Blackwood becoming the new Lead Pastor. He currently serves on the Security Team and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. Professionally, Howard is a Special Agent with the US Department of Justice (ATF). He has been married to his wife Natalia for 27 years and has two children, Kayla (22) and Kyle (21).

Alex Ledon


Alex Ledon serves as the Board Treasurer. He dedicated his life to Christ in the summer of 1979. He and his wife Ana have been married for 26 years and have two adult children, Andres and Carolina. He has called Christ Fellowship home since 2010, where he has led a couples small group with Ana for the past 11 years. Together they also serve in the Guest Services team. Professionally, Ledon has worked in the banking industry for more than 30 years.

Ricardo Lujan

Rick is acting COO and VP of South Motors Automotive Group. He has been following Christ for 12 years and attending Christ Fellowship for 10 years. He has served in many capacities, including being the leader for a small group for the last 7 years. He has been married for 34 years with two adult children both living at home.

Mike Parra Sr.


Mike Parra serves as Chairman of the Board for Christ Fellowship. He is also Chief Executive Officer of the Americas Region for DHL Express, Mike maintains overall responsibility for the region, which includes approximately 27,000 employees in 56 countries and territories. Outside of his corporate responsibilities, Mike and his wife Barbie serve in Guest Services at the Palmetto Bay campus. He currently resides in Miami with his wife, two children and now two grandchildren.

Auri Hathaway

Auri Hatheway is the National Director with Mary Kay, US. with experience in leading an army of volunteers. She has shown thousands of women how to successfully launch and grow a business while keeping their priorities of God first, family second and career third. Auri served in the worship ministry and currently leads two CF small groups. Auri was born and raised in Miami, FL and is married to Shane Hatheway. They reside in Miami, FL with their two children, Haley (15) and Gavin (10).

Mark Pepin, MD


Dr. Mark Pepin serves as Board Treasurer. He has a medical practice specializing in chiropractic medicine in the Palmetto Bay area, and has over 28 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Life Chiropractic College with his medical degree in 1992. Mark joined Christ Fellowship 24 years ago and has served on the Facilities Support team and on the Stewardship Team. He is married to Melissa and his children are Ally (25) and Ben (23).

Joe Pruna

Joe is a SVP with Synovus Bank and has been a part of Christ Fellowship for 23 years. He has served in various roles from Guest Services at the West Kendall campus, the Stewardship Team, and currently serves on the Personnel Team. Joe and his wife Lesli have been married for 24 years and have three daughters, Hannah (22), Hailey (21) and Harper (18).
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