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Special Christmas Offering

For Our Children

This Christmas season, we invite you to join us in a special offering called For Our Children. Your generosity will impact future generations with the gospel for years to come.

Your special offering impacts in 3 different ways...

Way 1: For Our Children Locally

After almost 20 years, it is time to renovate and upgrade our CF Kids facilities across several of our local campuses. This will entail installing new floors, new paint, new cabinets, ceiling tiles, ceiling lights, and window treatments.

Way 2: For Our Children Globally

With this Christmas offering, we will be able to elevate the global CF Kids experience by renovating spaces and offering them a safe place to learn, worship and grow in their faith.

Way 3: For Our Children at CF Academy

Our vision is to expand Christ Fellowship Academy into a middle school, offering Christ-centered education to more children. In addition, we’ll begin building the infrastructure for other Local Campuses to have their own Christ Fellowship Academies.

 But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God..."

– Luke 18:16


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