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Christmas at Christ Fellowship 2023
Celebrate Christmas at Christ Fellowship! Make your holidays extra special by inviting friends and family to one of our services on December 23rd & 24th. Enjoy live Christmas carols, delicious holiday beverages, snow flurries for the kids and a message that will fill your heart with hope. Visit for available times and locations.

Part 2: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Dec 10, 2023
Luke 2:11-14
We all know the Christmas story. A journey to Bethlehem, a baby in a manger and angels appearing in the sky. Although we remember the story, it can be easy to gloss over the details. What was it like when the angels appeared? What was so special about this scene? Does the “peace” the angels spoke of matter at all today? It’s not just a story. Join us as we learn why the “good news” from the angels wasn’t just for the shepherds to hear.

Part 3: Joy to the World
Dec 17, 2023
Luke 2:10-11 & Psalm 98:4-6
How does the Bible define joy? How can we experience sustaining joy not for just a moment but for every day of our lives, even when the circumstances around us can be discouraging? Join us for part 3 of Christmas at Christ Fellowship to discover the true definition of joy and how we can find it in our hearts.

Part 4: O Holy Night
Dec 24, 2023
Luke 2:4-7
What would you say is your greatest need? Is it something physical, like food, water or shelter? Is it a particular mental or emotional state? What is it about that specific thing that makes it your greatest necessity? Join us as we reflect on the Christmas story and learn about what humanity’s deepest need really is.
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