Next Opportunity: Feb. 11th, 2024
Child Dedication weekend is a time of public and personal commitment where parents make a covenant to raise their children according to God’s principles.
Expectations of Parents:
At least one or both of the parents have made a commitment to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We recognize that there are many families in which only one parent has come to faith and the spouse that is not yet a believer would still like to participate - that is okay.
Parent(s) are regular attenders of Christ Fellowship’s weekend services and following Christ in their own life.
Parent(s) align with Christ Fellowship’s beliefs, vision and values.
Parent(s) commit to modeling personal purity and to lead by example in matters of faith and conduct. We recognize that some unmarried parents choose to cohabit before marital vows have been exchanged. Unmarried, cohabiting couples who wish to dedicate their child(ren) are encouraged to speak to their campus pastor before proceeding with their registration.
As a parent dedicating my child(ren), I acknowledge to uphold this covenant.
Want to know more? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) about Child Dedication.
Parent(s) must sign up below and complete a short class before participating in the next Child Dedication Ceremony.