Together we can be a blessing!
Be a Blessing
Did you know that nearly 63% of children in Miami-Dade County live in households that struggle to afford basic necessities? Shockingly, 19% of these children are living in poverty, and 38% of parents have reported that they will need to cut back on food and other essentials this year just to make ends meet.
As followers of Jesus, this reality deeply concerns us, and we are determined to take action. That’s why we launched our Be a Blessing initiative in 2023.
Our mission is for Small Groups to partner with a family, fostering a relationship that goes beyond a one-time service. We aim to be a source of support and encouragement throughout the Holiday season. In times of trial and hardship, we want these families to feel the presence of a loving community standing beside them. Thanks to your faithfulness, last year we were able to serve 861 families, and together, we can continue to make a meaningful impact!
Start Here
It’s time to Be A Blessing to your assigned family by serving them for Thanksgiving. Here is how you and your group can get started:
Contact the parent of the family you are assigned and let them know you are calling on behalf of Christ Fellowship Church.
Share your desire to serve their family for Thanksgiving by providing groceries for their Thanksgiving meal. Ask if there are any allergies or preferred foods they like to eat for Thanksgiving.
If your family does not give you a list of preferred foods, here are some recommendations: boxed macaroni and cheese, cans of corn, boxes of stuffing, cans of green beans, and boxed mashed potatoes.
Schedule a day and time that works best for the family to drop off their groceries.
Share the food items requested by the family with your small group. Divide up the items to be purchased and share drop off details with your group . We recommend that you purchase a gift card for the family to buy their own protein of choice.
Pick up Be A Blessing Thanksgiving resources at your campus on Sunday Nov 9th or 16th. Here’s what you will be receiving:
A CF tote bag to place grocery items in
A CF invite to invite your family to church
A postcard to handwrite a letter to your family
CF Kids placemats for the children of your family to enjoy
CF Kids Table talk Resource
Deliver your items to the family with your small group on the agreed upon day. Use this opportunity to pray with your family.
We want to celebrate with you! Share stories with us on how you saw the Lord at work by tagging us on social media @cfmiami or email us at beablessing@cfmiami.org.
Safety Precautions
We recommend you take someone with you to deliver the food.
Make sure a parent or adult is home when you deliver.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Be a Blessing Initiative?
The Be a Blessing Initiative is an opportunity for small groups and individuals of our church to come alongside families in our community and intentionally serve them throughout the year.
What if I already have a family in mind?
That’s great! If you already have a family in mind to serve, you’ll still sign up your small group. There is a place on the sign up form where you can indicate the family you’ll be serving.
Who will be served in the Be a Blessing Initiative?
We will be serving families in need from our community that have been identified through our programs and partners.
Who can serve in the Be a Blessing Initiative?
Be a Blessing is an opportunity for small groups to intentionally serve families in our community together. However, anyone in our church can sign up to serve individually as well.
What does the Be a Blessing Initiative entail?
Our goal is to intentionally serve families 3-4 times a year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Start of the new year, and leading up to Easter.
Will Christ Fellowship provide ideas on how to support these families?
Absolutely! As a church we will be providing you with clear instructions and ideas on how to serve these families throughout the year. We’ll also be providing resources for your Thanksgiving meal drop off on the weekend of November 9th and 16th.
When can I expect to receive the information on the family we’ll be serving?
You should be receiving an email from our small groups team by the beginning of November. Make sure to check your spam if you don’t see anything.
Who may I contact for questions about the Be a Blessing initiative?
You may email our Community Engagement team at beablessing@cfmiami.org or speak to your Small Group Director.