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Easter at Christ Fellowship 2024
Celebrate Easter with us! We will have FREE egg hunts for the kids, live music and a powerful sermon for you and your entire family, in English and Spanish.

Good Friday: The Great Exchange
Mar 29, 2024
1 Peter 2:24
None of us are strangers to an exchange. From trading snacks at school lunch to exchanging clothes for a different size, we’ve all given one thing to get another. One such exchange happened on the first Good Friday 2000 years ago. What was exchanged that day? And what does it have to do with our lives now? Come find out as we learn about the greatest exchange in human history.

Easter at Christ Fellowship: Easter Sunday
Mar 31, 2024
Acts 17:30-31
Prince of Peace, Savior King, Son of God—Jesus is called many names. There's one role, however, that we often don't recognize; the judge of all humanity. How can Jesus be our Savior and yet our judge? Are we safe from this coming judgment? Hear the good news and discover the true meaning of eternal salvation.
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