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How Do You Walk with Jesus if No One Else Is?
Pastor Tucker Stipe
September 24, 2024
For most of us, we live in a post-Christian world here in Miami-Dade County.
Trying to live like Jesus is the last thing on the minds of our neighbors, coworkers, friends and even family members. National stats tell us that far fewer Americans are attending church these days, much less passionately following Jesus.
That's “those people” but what about us? I bet many of us feel like we really struggle to walk with Jesus the way we want to. We want to become like Jesus but our best efforts keep coming up short. We just don’t feel like we are making progress. Is there any hope for us?
Through the millennia the way people have grown closer to Jesus has not changed; the same things that helped the first Christians are the same things that will help you and I today. You want to know what they are?
It's the practices, historically they have been called spiritual disciplines (but most of us cringe at that term discipline so let's stick with practices for now).
It has been said, “You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Our will power and effort fail us time and time again. Also many of us might say, “Oh it is the Lord who will draw us to Himself.” While I believe that whole heartedly, that thinking left by itself essentially says the reason I am not closer to God is because He hasn't brought me closer to Him. Call me crazy but blaming God for our poor walk with Him seems like a bad idea.
So then what will work?
If we set up rhythms in our life, “systems” that we can fall back on, over time we will find that we are actually becoming the people Jesus designed us to be.
So what are the systems? Here are three that I believe will not let you down:
1. Have a Quiet Time
If you stop and take the time to read the Bible and pray each day your life will change, not might. It will, “For the word of God is living and active…” Hebrews 4:12 tells us. When God’s Word gets in the human heart good things happen (Psalm 119:11). So, when you and I commune with the Creator in prayer there is a deep intimacy that grows. The disciples thought it was so important that it’s the only practice they directly asked Jesus to teach them (Luke 11:1-4).
Now, the key is to start where you are, not where you think you should be. If you don't read or pray regularly, don't expect yourself to be able to maintain an hour-long quiet time. Start by reading a verse and saying a quick prayer before you rush out the door. The Bible app will literally send it to you—it's so easy! As you get that rhythm ingrained in your life then increase it. Start reading a few verses and praying for a few minutes at a time. Consistency beats intensity every single time.

2. Practice Sabbath
Taking one day to rest during the week is all but a lost art in our culture today, but we are not made to be “on” all the time. Genesis 2 begins with God resting on the seventh day and making it holy. Adam and Eve were made on the sixth day so their first full day of existence was a day to rest and be rather than to work and do (Mark 2:27).
When we practice sabbath, we create margin in our lives. Margin for rest, margin for gathering with the church, margin for what brings life back to us. We are creating space to abide in Christ (John 15:1-11) and to receive the blessings the Lord has given, rather than just being busy. Again, start where you are not where you think you should be.

Maybe start with turning off the alarm clock and waking when your body is done resting, and then go to church on Sunday. Then if you need to rush back to work, homework, etc. fine—but once you have done that for a while extend it just one more hour at a time until you make it to a full day of rest. I bet that you will find that whatever you are worried about will still be there come Monday, but you will face it as a whole person instead of as a shell of a human running on fumes.
3. Join a Small Group
The truth of the matter is that we are created for community. God is a trinity, meaning for an eternity He has existed in relationship and we are made in His image. This means we too are made for relationships (Genesis 1:26-27). Let me be clear—when I say, “Join a Small Group,” I don't mean just attend. I mean really join with your whole being (Hebrews 10:23-25).

Share your life and allow others to share their lives with you. “You mean I have to open up and share with people?” Yes! Opening up can be scary, but great risk leads to great reward. When you open up and do life in community, you find what your heart has always longed for—authentic connection with others who know you completely and yet love you anyways. “But what if I open up and they don't still love me?” That's a real risk, but the life in Jesus that you really want is on the other side of vulnerability in biblical community.
If you and I bring these rhythms into our lives we will actually become the followers of Jesus that we really want to be.